Join us for our AG 4-LECTURE SERIES. Discover the history of farming in the region, the joys of sustainable gardening, the pros of GMOs and more! All at the Grundy County Historical Society Museum and all FREE >
We need your support. You choose how! Pick from NINE GIVING OPTIONS. Select based on your interests and the amount you're able to give >
Now booking 2025 GROUP TOURS–including outings for colder weather months, like our Remember The Ladies Tour, which pairs a Reddick Mansion Tour and Lunch with a choice of historical, storytelling performances >
The Illinois & Michigan Canal National Heritage Area is the first of its kind: a national park of communities, not federal land. Based around the I&M Canal, which connected the Illinois River to Lake Michigan creating an all-water, inland route from the East Coast to the Gulf of Mexico, our National Heritage Area is made up of 60 cities and towns, from Chicago to LaSalle-Peru, who owe their growth to the canal.