Meet a Beekeeper

Goodenow Grove Nature Preserve 27064 Dutton Rd., Beecher, United States

Meet local beekeeper Mike Rusnak to discuss the art of beekeeping. Ask questions, chat and troubleshoot. Rusnak has more than 18 years of beekeeping experience. Pick up specific beekeeping tips or simply learn more about the world of bees. Fee: Free! Age: All ages. This program will

Wonders of Will County: Goodenow Grove Nature Preserve

Goodenow Grove Nature Preserve 27064 Dutton Rd., Beecher, United States

Rare and mysterious. Exceptionally unique. Wonders of the world. Are these distant lands or fairytales? No, these describe several preserves right here in Will County! On these naturalist-led hikes, discover the plants, animals and land formations that make up some of our most protected sites. Meet the

Hummingbird Hangout

Goodenow Grove Nature Preserve 27064 Dutton Rd., Beecher, United States

Hummingbird migration is underway, and the birds are fueling up for their journey south. This is a perfect time to hang out in Plum Creek Nature Center's hummingbird courtyard. Bring your chair, enjoy some refreshments and delight as the birds flit back and forth right overhead. Drop

Hummingbird Fest

Goodenow Grove Nature Preserve 27064 Dutton Rd., Beecher, United States

Our annual Hummingbird Fest has been reworked this year to allow more visitors to see the fan-favorite banding of the hummingbirds and puts the spotlight on our fast, feathered friends and other pollinators. The Lincoln Land Association of Bird Banders will have certified banders on site for

Hummingbird Hangout

Goodenow Grove Nature Preserve 27064 Dutton Rd., Beecher, United States

Hummingbird migration is underway, and the birds are fueling up for their journey south. This is a perfect time to hang out in Plum Creek Nature Center's hummingbird courtyard. Bring your chair, enjoy some refreshments and delight as the birds flit back and forth right overhead. Drop

Meet a Beekeeper

Goodenow Grove Nature Preserve 27064 Dutton Rd., Beecher, United States

Meet local beekeeper Mike Rusnak to discuss the art of beekeeping. Ask questions, chat and troubleshoot your own hive. Rusnak has more than 18 years of beekeeping experience. Pick up specific beekeeping tips or simply learn more about the world of bees. Fee: Free! Age: All ages.

Firefly Hike for Families

Goodenow Grove Nature Preserve 27064 Dutton Rd., Beecher, United States

Come out to enjoy nature's fireworks — those blinking, twinkling fireflies! As the sun sets, learn what makes fireflies so special. Surprise — it's more than just their glow! Create some glow of your own before heading out for a hike to get up close to the