Become A Sponsor
As a sponsor, you can support a wide variety of initiatives in our National Heritage Area, from funding events, activities and programs to bringing field trips to our Canal Boat. By doing so, you will increase the cultural tourism in our area and improve our ability to tell our communities’ stories.
Sponsorship Opportunities
We are always looking for people, businesses and organizations that want to aid our mission. Let us know and we can customize a program that works with your budget to support specific initiatives that align with your own mission and charitable goals, such as funding:
Bike share rental stations
Boat Captain’s Luncheon
Field trips to the Canal Boat for schools, troops, camps, youth organizations, etc.
Preservation and/or archival projects
Initiatives that support local attractions
Exhibits and attractions at the I&M Canal Visitor Center
Jr. Ranger Days
Lectures, events, activities and programs
Please email Mara Moore at to discuss your interest and the available opportunities.